My name is Mark Rockford and I am the founder and CEO of Certified Translators and Interpreters, Inc. I used to work for one of the big guys in the Language Industry and was able to make some big changes in the professionalism and quality of their interpreters. I wasn't able to make the change that I wanted on the quality of the customers' experience, nor in the value that was placed on people. So here at Certified, we are here to make sure you are part of the team by building lasting, personal relationships. I invite you to join our team, either as a client or as working with us to make a difference. Come be a part of the Certified difference!
Mark Rockford is an expert and an author in the language industry. In addition to the work he has done for private companies, he was one of the original group of people selected to serve on the Advisory Board for the Qualifications of Translators and Interpreters for the State of Texas. While at one of the largest companies in the Industry, he built their training, recruitment and vendor management from the ground up. He has spoken at National and Regional conventions on such topics as interpreter qualifications, vendor management, and professionalism.
Jessica HartsteinBrings with her a unique range of experiences within the language industry. After graduating from Rice University with a double major in Cognitive Science and Spanish (with an emphasis on translation), she went on to teach English in Japan with the JET Programme. She then received her Master's Degree in Conference Interpreting and Translation Studies from the University of Leeds, in the United Kingdom. After grad school, Jessica worked as an in-house translator and writer for a French digital marketing agency in Luxembourg before returning to Houston. She then was able to experience the rewarding and challenging life of a freelance medical interpreter. After becoming a Texas Master Licensed Court Interpreter, Jessica spent five years in the oil and gas industry, working as an in-house technical translator, and later as a full-time leadership development facilitator and coach.